Ingredients: a roll of puff pastry, a big apple, cinnamon, three teaspoon of orange jam, teaspoon of water, cinnamon. To make the recipe: Spread the puff pastry and cut it so that it ...

Roses puffed with apples

Ingredients: a roll of puff pastry, a large apple, cinnamon, three teaspoon of orange jam, teaspoon of water, cinnamon. To make the recipe: Spread the puff pastry and cut it so that it makes a square. Cut strips about four, cut one apple in half and then cut slices not very thick about 1 mm thick. Put them in a bowl, cover with water, add the juice of a lemon, put in the microwave for three minutes at 850 W. After three minutes drain the slices of apples and let them cool very important. Preheat your oven to 200 °. On each strip of puff pastry spread the equivalent of a teaspoon of orange jam spread the chopped apple slices by putting them on half of the pasta strip. Sprinkle with cinnamon on the base of the apples, cover the other half pasta on the bottom of the apples, then roll the band on itself. Put your outfit in a muffin tin. I sprinkled some sugar on the roses before baking for about 30 minutes.

Water: 5 cl Sugar powder: 125 g Honey: 25 g Gelatin sheet (s) of 2 g: 4 piece (s) White (s) of egg: 2 piece (s) Pink dye: 2 pin (s) Ice sugar: 50 g Corn starch: 50 g In a saucepan, mix the water with the sugar and the honey, and cook ......

This is a recipe that I have already made, it is important to choose a good muesli, in the one I took, I had to add dried apricots and raisins. 500g of Muesli mixture 1 can of concentrated sweet milk mix all with wooden spoon and ......

A recipe found from the bottom of my cookbooks ..... to always want to find "new" we forget what we already have ... I admit that it is not my favorite cake far from there, I think it's a very compact cake despite the fodder .......

For 5 generous verrines (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......) 1 box of pears in syrup 1 package of speculos roughly crushes a little liquid caramel 500g of milk 6 yellow 70g of caster sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar......