Ingredients: a roll of puff pastry, a big apple, cinnamon, three teaspoon of orange jam, teaspoon of water, cinnamon. To make the recipe: Spread the puff pastry and cut it so that it ...

Roses puffed with apples

Ingredients: a roll of puff pastry, a large apple, cinnamon, three teaspoon of orange jam, teaspoon of water, cinnamon. To make the recipe: Spread the puff pastry and cut it so that it makes a square. Cut strips about four, cut one apple in half and then cut slices not very thick about 1 mm thick. Put them in a bowl, cover with water, add the juice of a lemon, put in the microwave for three minutes at 850 W. After three minutes drain the slices of apples and let them cool very important. Preheat your oven to 200 °. On each strip of puff pastry spread the equivalent of a teaspoon of orange jam spread the chopped apple slices by putting them on half of the pasta strip. Sprinkle with cinnamon on the base of the apples, cover the other half pasta on the bottom of the apples, then roll the band on itself. Put your outfit in a muffin tin. I sprinkled some sugar on the roses before baking for about 30 minutes.

Hello, break the coffee break ..... Ingredients: - 150 g of butter - 150 g of white sugar - 150 g of sugar brown sugar - 2 eggs - 1 sachet of baking powder - 1 packet of vanilla sugar - 350 g of flour - 200 g of chocolate chips - 1 ha of hazelnuts ......

Salad that is reminiscent of the famous, Greek salad .. Without lé feta, but nothing prevents to put ..... Ingredient for 4 (single dish): 2tomates, 1concombre, 2avocats, 1oignln red, 1citron, salt pepper , good quality olive oil, parsley. peel the onion ......

We add some more ingredients like chorizo, chicken etc but has a way to accommodate the mussels remains and that is all I had on hand ..... Ingredients 1 remained of mussels peeled (250/300g) 1 ......

This tortilla is perfect to cut in small dice for the aperitif. Ingredients for six people: 3 onions, 1 steamed potato, 7 eggs, salt pepper. Preheat the oven to 200 °, prepare your Flexipan perforated plate with the small mold ......