Recipe found on a nutrition website. At the end I forgot to add the cream, cetais super bon ... Ingredients for 6 people: (273Kcal/person) • 800 g of roast pork in the tenderloin • 12 prunes • 1 tablespoon and a half of honey lavender ...

Roast pork with prunes

Recipe found on a nutrition site.

At the end I forgot to add the cream, cetais super bon ... Ingredients for 6 people: (273Kcal/person)
• 800 g of roast pork in the tenderloin
> • 12 prunes
• 1 tablespoon of lavender honey
• 15 cl of dry white wine • 15 cl of water • 2 teaspoons of veal stock powder
• 1 large chopped onion
• 2 tablespoons thick cream 3%
• Thyme
• Salt, pepper
In a casserole, fry the roast on all sides, until it is golden brown. Take it out of the casserole and set aside. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the casserole dish and sauté the chopped onion. Put back the roast. Sprinkle veal stock, mixed, wet with the white wine, then water and add water during cooking if necessary. Add prunes, honey, salt, pepper and sprinkle with thyme.
Simmer over very low heat 35-40 minutes. Remove the roast, then add 2 tablespoons thick cream to the casserole. Heat for a minute, then serve the cut roast, topped with prune sauce.

INGREDIENTS zest and juice of 1 lime 2 tbsp. with brown rum 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tbsp. fresh ginger, grated 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 3 tbsp. liquid honey 2 tbsp. with tamari sauce or soy sauce 1/2 tsp. teaspoon of coriander seeds lightly ......

Ingredients 3 egg whites, 90g sugar powder, 140g coconut tapped. Preheat the oven to 180 * .mix the whites and sugar. Incorporate the coconut. Mix.a using your fingers to make small balls and slightly pinch the top, then the ......

Thanks to my brother Guillaume for these farmer pigeons. for 3 people: * 3 farmer's pigeons * 50g of butter * 2 tablespoons of olive oil * 100g of flaked almonds * 1 teaspoon of raz el hanout * 50g of raisins * ginger powder ......

Ingredients (5 servings): - 2.5 kg of fresh figs 1 kg of sugar - 1 vanilla pod Preparation of the recipe: Wash the figs, then cut them by removing the tail. Put them in a bowl of jam, and pour the sugar on it. Let ......