Ingredients for two: 2 pigeons, 100 g butter, a teaspoon of curry, a teaspoon of paprika. In a bowl I crushed the butter by mixing the curry and paprika until the three forms a homogeneous mixture. Light the oven...

Pigeon with curry butter

Ingredients for two: 2 pigeons, 100 g of butter, a teaspoon of curry, a teaspoon of paprika. In a bowl I crushed the butter by mixing the curry and paprika until the three forms a homogeneous mixture. Turn on the oven at 200 °. I used a Tupperware Ultra Plus to cook the pigeons. Take the two pigeons, and spread the curry butter and paprika butter over the entire surface of the two pigeons. Drop the two pigeons into the ultra plus, pour a small glass of water. Cover and bake for about 45 minutes. Do not hesitate to return the pigeons during cooking. I served it's pigeon with couscous semolina. Do not hesitate to shorten or prolong the cooking of pigeons according to their size.

INGREDIENTS (for about 4 jars like "good mom" 2 boxes crushed tomatoes 4 red sea peppers canned 500 g onion 10 cl balsamic vinegar 650 gr jam sugar Peel, cut onion into cubes. the vegetables......

Thank you "Crazy crazy" for the recipe. 1 puff pastry 50g sugar 50g almond powder 25g flour 1cas rum 1 egg Preheat oven to 180 * Combine all ingredients except puff pastry ... Hihi hihi Line a plate of parchment paper .......

4 chicken cutlets 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon thyme 2 lemon juice 4 clove garlic chopped 1 tsp cumin Salt, pepper .Draw the cutlets in cubes. Mix the olive oil, the thyme, ......

It will be with pleasure that I publish your achievements. You can send me your photos, your name or nickname, what you have changed in my original recipe and I will publish very willingly. Congratulations to Paul (8 years old) I start today with ......