Recipe found on "The fairies in the kitchen" 200 gr of chocolate pastry good quality 45gr of butter 2 eggs 150g of brown sugar a sachet of vanilla sugar 150g of chocolate flour nugget or small piece for the top (I mix nuggets and. ..

Outrageous cookies ....

Recipe found on "The fairies in the kitchen"

200 gr of good quality pastry chocolate

45gr of butter

2 eggs

150g of brown sugar

a bag of vanilla sugar

150g flour

chocolate nugget or small piece for the top (I mix nuggets and pistoles white and black chocolate)

melt butter and chocolate. the oven to 180 ° .prepare a plate with a silpat.But the eggs and the sugar until having a creamy consistency. Add the chocolate and butter. then add the flour, and yeast. I sprinkled the tops of cookies with the nuggets. Then place with two tablespoons small heaps spaced on the plate and bake for 10 minutes. Cookies are ready when they are still soft and the crust is cracked.

• 4 eggs • 150 g of sugar • 125 g of butter • 120 g of flour • 1 vanilla pod • ½ liter of warm milk • 2 cac of crystallized sugar • 250 g of cherries. Preheat the oven to 160 °. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Warm up the milk by adding ......

Ingredients: a puff pastry, a small can of tomato paste, some pitted black olives, a finely chopped onion, a handful of Gruyère Rapée, salt pepper, herbes de Provence. Preheat your oven to 180 °. Spread out your puff pastry, ......

Recipe appeared on the wall "the crazy cracked" Super good, I served with a green salad, but with a slice of ham or roast, cold chicken it would have been super good also Ingredients 4 large potatoes 150 g Roquefort Milk(......

1 foie gras 6/700g 12 cl cognac or other strong alcohol 1 tbsp. spices with foie gras salt, pepper 1Sake the foie gras from the refrigerator, it must be cold. 2Select the 2 liver lobes and defrost it 3place it in a dish, spice and ......