Salad that is reminiscent of the famous, Greek salad .. Without lé feta, but nothing prevents to put ..... Ingredient for 4 (single dish): 2tomates, 1concombre, 2avocats, 1oignln red, 1citron, salt pepper , good quality olive oil, parsley. peel the onion ...

Winter salad

Salad that makes you think of the famous Greek salad .. Without it, but nothing prevents to put .....

Ingredient for 4 (single dish): 2tomates, 1concumber, 2 avocados, 1oinln red, 1citron, salt pepper, olive oil of good quality, parsley. Peel the onion and finely slice it, put in the salad bowl, cut the tomatoes in roughly, peel and cut the cucumber into coarse dice, also prune the avocados in big dice, salt pepper, pour a little olive oil according to your taste, slice the parsley, squeeze the lemon juice on all the vegetables, mix and enjoy ..

1 C. mustard 200 g thick cream 75 g butter half lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chives Salt, pepper Preparation of the lemon sauce: Pour all the ingredients into the bowl and set the timer for 4 minutes, the temperature ......

This recipe is made with the rest of the almond cream and pears of the recipe presented yesterday. Ingredients the rest of the almond cream, the rest of the pear, the rest of the juice of the box of pears, some chocolate chips, some lovers parade .......

A recipe found from the bottom of my cookbooks ..... to always want to find "new" we forget what we already have ... I admit that it is not my favorite cake far from there, I think it's a very compact cake despite the fodder .......

then, gratin my way, not really ... it's mostly the way my girlfriend "pepette". during a coffee pose at home, she gave me this recipe that I was eager to do because it had me well this recipe .... I used only products ......