Ingredients: - 400 grams of dry white beans - 3 carrots -1 can of crushed tomato - 1 onion - 2 cloves of garlic - 1 tomato concentrate - 700 ml of water - Olive oil - 20 to 30 grams of butter - Salt, pepper, cumin, ginger, chilli, ...

Flageolets with tomato


- 400 grams of dry white beans - 3 carrots -1 can of crushed tomatoes - 1 onion

- 2 cloves of garlic

- 1 CS tomato concentrate

- 700 ml of water

- Olive oil

- 20 to 30 grams of butter

- Salt, pepper, cumin, ginger, pepper, parsley paprika

Everything unlike everyone I do not soaked my beans because it causes it causes, flatulence ... The fact to let soaked launched the fermentation process ... .

Preferably prepare the dish the day before, for the next day noon, or the morning for the evening.

Peeling, washing, and chopping onion and garlic, and slicing carrots.

In a casserole, pouring a little olive oil, butter, paprika, and lightly brown the cloves of garlic and onion over medium heat.

Add tomato paste and the carrots, add a little water of the 700 ml, and stir.

Spice then, with the most emphasis on cumin, then add salt, pepper, ginger, chilli and parsley.

> Finally, pour the beans in the casserole, then the remaining water, stir and close your dish.

Simmer over low heat, about 2 hours add a little water if necessary, then continue until complete cooking stirring occasionally. Adjust the seasoning if necessary.

Bon appétit !!!!!

Ingredients for two: 2 pigeons, 100 g butter, a teaspoon of curry, a teaspoon of paprika. In a bowl I crushed the butter by mixing the curry and paprika until the three forms a homogeneous mixture. Light the oven......

My picture is not very beautiful because I was wrong pate .... I used a broken dough ........... I did not want to spoil and I went on, my puffs do not are finally not flaky ..... but they are good .. ingredients 1 puff pastry ......

Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients (4 servings): - 1.2 kg of pork beans - 4 cloves of garlic - 2 tablespoons of vinegar - 3 tablespoons of oil - 6 spoonfuls of soy sauce - 3 spoonfuls ......

Quick tartlets with a base of biscuit butter ... The most difficult being to make the cream muslin ... You will only have to follow the steps of the photos ... It is crucial that the cream is at temperature ambient as well as butter ......