Ingredients: a puff pastry, a small can of tomato paste, some pitted black olives, a finely chopped onion, a handful of Gruyère Rapée, salt pepper, herbes de Provence. Preheat your oven to 180 °. Spread out your puff pastry, ...

Rolled pizza for the aperitif

Ingredients: a puff pastry, a small can of tomato paste, some pitted black olives, a finely chopped onion, a handful of Gruyère Rapée, salt pepper, herbs of Provence. Preheat your oven to 180 °. Spread out your puff pastry, pour the tomato paste into a bowl and dilute with three teaspoons of water. Spread the concentrate over the puff pastry, cut the black olives and sprinkle them over the tomato paste. Sprinkle onions finely chopped. Sprinkle pepper strewn with herbs from Provence. Sprinkled with Gruyère Rapée. Roll all while not squeezing me too hard. I make a small passage of the rolled in the freezer during 10 to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes the pudding slightly hardened. Prepare a perforated plate with silpat.tailler the pudding in sections of half a centimeter. Place them on the baking sheet and bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. Enjoy tepid or cold. You can vary your pizza at will with bacon mushrooms from mozzarella mushroom chorizo ​​etc.

1 C. mustard 200 g thick cream 75 g butter half lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chives Salt, pepper Preparation of the lemon sauce: Pour all the ingredients into the bowl and set the timer for 4 minutes, the temperature ......

I made these macaroons but the fodder is done at "pif" I have no exact proportions .... I'll do the best ... Ingredients for fodder: 300 g frozen red fruit, 100g icing sugar , 150g white chocolate. In a saucepan put ......

A completely improvised Tartopom. Ingredients a puff pastry, four medium sized apples of 150 cl of cold whole cream, three tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk, vanilla flavor, 100 g of sugar 50 g of butter. Preheat your oven ......

For 5 generous verrines (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......) 1 box of pears in syrup 1 package of speculos roughly crushes a little liquid caramel 500g of milk 6 yellow 70g of caster sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar......