4 chicken cutlets 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon thyme 2 lemon juice 4 clove garlic chopped 1 tsp cumin Salt, pepper .Draw the cutlets in cubes. Mix the olive oil, the thyme, ...

Chicken skewers marinated in lemon and cumin

4 chicken cutlets 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 3 spoonfuls tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon thyme

2 lemon juice

4 cloves garlic chopped

1 cac cumin

Salt, pepper. Cut the cutlets in cubes. Mix olive oil, thyme, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, a little salt and pepper. Marinate the chicken dice for 2 hours in a cool place. Wash the peppers, remove the pips Cut the flesh into cubes.

Soak the spades in us in the water .Pace alternately pieces of chicken and pepper on skewers. Cook the chicken skewers on the barbecue, or in a grill for about 5 minutes.

• 4 eggs • 150 g of sugar • 125 g of butter • 120 g of flour • 1 vanilla pod • ½ liter of warm milk • 2 cac of crystallized sugar • 250 g of cherries. Preheat the oven to 160 °. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Warm up the milk by adding ......

I stoned my cherries because I find it horrible to fall on the kernels when you bite ... Ingredients (8 servings): - 600 g of cherries Frozen but garden and pitted 40 g of semi-salted butter - 4 eggs - 20 cl of milk - 100 g flour - 60 g ......

INGREDIENTS (for about 4 jars like "good mom" 2 boxes crushed tomatoes 4 red sea peppers canned 500 g onion 10 cl balsamic vinegar 650 gr jam sugar Peel, cut onion into cubes. the vegetables......

then, gratin my way, not really ... it's mostly the way my girlfriend "pepette". during a coffee pose at home, she gave me this recipe that I was eager to do because it had me well this recipe .... I used only products ......