This recipe is made from the rest of the freezer's vegetables, so the proportions are all about "about." ... Ingredient for 5 carrots Leeks in rounds Small peas Chick peas (I love chickpeas they were dry. Not frozen ...) ...

Fast couscous

This recipe is made from the rest of the freezer's vegetables, so the proportions are all about" pretty much "...

Ingredient for 5


Leeks in slices


Chickpeas (I love chickpeas they were dry, not frozen ...)


Lamb breast pieces

1 tomato center box

1 liter chicken stock

Couscous spice

Heat a cast iron casserole dish (or not ...) add a little olive oil and place the chopped onions on top, then add the pieces of breast cut into pieces (they were frozen like that) when the pieces are a little color add all the other ingredient and mix well, cover and let simmer over low heat for 1 hour 30 minutes ... stir occasionally and monitor the cooking time because I was all frozen and I was at home so I preferred to simmer 2 hours while gently ....

Serve with semolina

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

- 4 oranges - 1/2 sachet of prunes - water of orange blossom - flaked or crushed almonds (I put tapered almonds and roasted almonds) In a bowl, cut the prunes in 4, pour 2 tablespoons of water of orange blossom, mix and leave ......

For 5 generous verrines (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......) 1 box of pears in syrup 1 package of speculos roughly crushes a little liquid caramel 500g of milk 6 yellow 70g of caster sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar......

Water: 5 cl Sugar powder: 125 g Honey: 25 g Gelatin sheet (s) of 2 g: 4 piece (s) White (s) of egg: 2 piece (s) Pink dye: 2 pin (s) Ice sugar: 50 g Corn starch: 50 g In a saucepan, mix the water with the sugar and the honey, and cook ......