Tagine of pigeons
Thanks to my brother Guillaume for these farmer pigeons.
for 3 people:
* 3 farmer pigeons * 50 g butter
* 2 tablespoons of oil olive oil
* 100 g tapered almonds * 1 teaspoon raz el hanout
* 50 g raisins
* ginger powder * ½ spoon of cardamom
* 15 cl of white wine
To parter the pigeons and the cuts in two * To heat a cast iron casserole with the butter and the oil.
To grill the pigeons to color them well.
Grilling flaked almonds in a dry frying pan
Stocking pigeons in the tajine
Adding almonds slices.
Add ginger and raisins
Sprinkle raz el hanouts
Pour white wine
Cui bake in the oven at 180 ° for 1h30 at a rotating heat. accompany couscous semolina.