Thank you "Crazy crazy" for the recipe. 1 puff pastry 50g sugar 50g almond powder 25g flour 1cas rum 1 egg Preheat oven to 180 * Combine all ingredients except puff pastry ... Hihi hihi Line a plate of parchment paper ....

Triangles with almonds

Thank you "Fake Crazy" for the recipe.

1 puff pastry

50g sugar

50g almond powder

25g flour

1cas rum

1 egg

Preheat oven to 180 *
Combine all ingredients except puff pastry ... Hihi hihi
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lower the puff pastry into a triangle.
Filed in the center 1 large tablespoon of almond cream.
Cover with another triangle and weld well.
Brush with egg yolk, sprinkle with fine tilings
Bake for 30 min.
Let cool then sprinkle with icing sugar ...

I'm sorry for the photo, we do not realize the rendering .... it's a great recipe, easy, simple, and once the Ingredients ready, it cooks alone .... apparently it is a Tupperware recipe. 6 chicken legs 50 ml of ......

Ingredients: a puff pastry, a small can of tomato paste, some pitted black olives, a finely chopped onion, a handful of Gruyère Rapée, salt pepper, herbes de Provence. Preheat your oven to 180 °. Spread out your puff pastry, ......

I confess I did not do the thermomix but in a Tupperware with a spoon .... It annoyed me to have to wash the bowl for so little ...... Attute fleimalgie ..... The recipe was taken on the blog whose link is above. Ingredient: 170 g of olives ......

My husband does not like hot goat, I made a half goat cheese and the other grated gruyere ... 1 homemade pie Spinach (s) in branch: 400 g Egg (s): 3 Milk 1/2 skimmed: 10 cl Whole liquid cream: 20 cl Goat cheese (s): 1 piece (s) Butter ......