Coffee macaroon filling Christophe Felder's coffee cream: 125g of good quality pomade butter (Lescure, Echiré, Grand Fermage ...) 80g of icing sugar 85g of almond powder 5g of freeze-dried coffee (2.5 sticks) 1 cc of hot water (especially not more ...

Filling macaroons with coffee

Filling macaroon with coffee

The cream Christophe Felder's coffee:

125g of good quality butter (Lescure, Echiré, Grand Fermage ...)

80g icing sugar

85g of almond powder

5g of freeze-dried coffee (2.5 sticks)

1 cc of hot water (especially no more!)

Start with dissolve the spoon of hot water in the coffee, to obtain an extremely strong coffee:
Using an electric mixer, beat the butter for a long time to cream it: it becomes white.
Add the icing sugar and whip for a few more minutes, Add the almond powder:

Whip again:

Add the coffee, and whip again.

Put in a pocket and put a nut on the hulls. Close with a second shell.


Just some photos of the dessert prepared for the baptism of Mathis and 30 years of Amandine. A raspberry on a sponge cake with raspberry jam, vanilla muslin cream, raspberry cream mousseline. Accompanied by a chocolate crunch .......

Thank you "Crazy crazy" for the recipe. 1 puff pastry 50g sugar 50g almond powder 25g flour 1cas rum 1 egg Preheat oven to 180 * Combine all ingredients except puff pastry ... Hihi hihi Line a plate of parchment paper .......

I use this terrine for the aperitif, each slice (thin) cut in half and served on a slice of toast and a slice of pickle. Ingredient: 1 rabbit with his liver, 509g sausage meat, salt, pepper, 1 glass of white wine, 1/2 bunch parsley ......

INGREDIENTS (for about 4 jars like "good mom" 2 boxes crushed tomatoes 4 red sea peppers canned 500 g onion 10 cl balsamic vinegar 650 gr jam sugar Peel, cut onion into cubes. the vegetables......