I double the proportions for a bigger pie ..... Ingredients for 6 people: 200 g puff pastry 20 ripe figs honey (from my brother Guillaume) Cream of almonds: 100 g almonds powder 50 g sugar ice cream 50 g of pomade butter 1 ...

Fig tart

I double the proportions for a bigger pie ... ..

Ingredients for 6 people:
200 g puff pastry
20 ripe figs and honey (from my brother Guillaume) Cream of almonds: 100 g of dough powdered almonds
50 g icing sugar
50 g butter ointment
1 russian egg
Spread the puff pastry
Darken a pie circle with a diameter of 26 or 28 cm.
Stitch the feuilletée dough with a fork. Place on the top of the dough a sheet of parchment paper ...
and cover with ceramic cooking stones or lentils (that you will keep for the next time)
Bake the puff pastry.
In the robot put the almond powder, the icing sugar and the butter.
Mix with a whisk
Add the egg and a dash of rum (optional).
Mix well until you obtain a homogeneous cream.
Once the pre-cooked dough base, remove the cooking stones.
Cover the bottom of the dough with the whole of the almond cream.
Arrange on the cream the figs notched with a cross.
Cover each fig with a net of honey.
Bake in a hot oven, 180 ° C for about 25 minutes.
At the end of the cooking, let cool.
When serving, remove the pie cake and sprinkle with icing sugar. You can serve this warm tart and accompany it with a fig sorbet or vanilla ice cream.

Ingredients For the chocolate fondant: - 100 g of GOURMANDISES® dark chocolate - 100 g of butter - 2 eggs - 80 g of sugar - 20 g of flour - 3 g of baking powder (1 teaspoon) - 10 g of cocoa powder (1 tablespoon) - 3 g of extract ......

I made these macaroons but the fodder is done at "pif" I have no exact proportions .... I'll do the best ... Ingredients for fodder: 300 g frozen red fruit, 100g icing sugar , 150g white chocolate. In a saucepan put ......

INGREDIENTS (for about 4 jars like "good mom" 2 boxes crushed tomatoes 4 red sea peppers canned 500 g onion 10 cl balsamic vinegar 650 gr jam sugar Peel, cut onion into cubes. the vegetables......

Ingredients for 4 4 homemade panini breads 2 tomatoes Tomato sauce 4 white ham slice 8 slices hamberger cheese 1 mozzarella ball Cut the pieces in half lengthwise Spread a little tomato sauce...