INGREDIENTS zest and juice of 1 lime 2 tbsp. with brown rum 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tbsp. fresh ginger, grated 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 3 tbsp. liquid honey 2 tbsp. with tamari sauce or soy sauce 1/2 tsp. teaspoon of coriander seeds lightly ...

Spicy shrimp skewers


zest and juice of 1 lime

2 tbsp. with brown rum

2 tbsp. with brown sugar

1 tbsp. with fresh ginger, grated

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

3 tbsp. with liquid honey

2 tbsp. with tamari sauce or soya sauce

1/2 tsp. lightly crushed coriander seeds

1/2 to 1 tbsp. hot pepper powder

24 large shrimp (size 21-25), shelled and deveined, with tail

Salsa pineapple
salt and black pepper mill
1. In a large shallow glass dish, combine zest and lime juice, rum, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, honey, tamari sauce, coriander seeds and hot pepper flakes. Salt and pepper. Add shrimp and mix gently to coat. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and marinate for 15 to 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

2. Drain the shrimp (reserve the marinade) and put them on wooden skewers previously soaked in water. Set the fire to medium-high power. Place the skewers on the oiled barbecue grill and cook for about 1 minute on each side or until the shrimp are pink (brush them with reserved marinade). Serve with salsa.

It can be served as an aperitif or with Chinese pasta ​​p>

For 11 buns ... Firstly I made my bread dough with 500g of flour, 300ml water and 7g of baker's yeast, 5g salt. I made my Pate go up as usual. Between the 1st and the 2nd push I prepared the stuffing. Ingredient for the stuffing: 1 pepper ......

This is a recipe that I have already made, it is important to choose a good muesli, in the one I took, I had to add dried apricots and raisins. 500g of Muesli mixture 1 can of concentrated sweet milk mix all with wooden spoon and ......

INGREDIENTS (for about 4 jars like "good mom" 2 boxes crushed tomatoes 4 red sea peppers canned 500 g onion 10 cl balsamic vinegar 650 gr jam sugar Peel, cut onion into cubes. the vegetables......

For verrine for 4 people • 150 g half-cooked foie gras • 4 tbsp. fig jam (black cherry chutney for me) • 20 cl of liquid cream • 2 tbsp. muscat mushrooms • salt, pepper Cut the foie gras into pieces and put them in ......