Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients (4 servings): - 1.2 kg of pork beans - 4 cloves of garlic - 2 tablespoons of vinegar - 3 tablespoons of oil - 6 spoonfuls of soy sauce - 3 spoonfuls ...


Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time : 30 minutes

Ingredients (4 servings):


1,2 kg of pork beans

4 pods garlic -

2 tablespoons vinegar

- 3 tablespoons oil -

6 tablespoons of soy sauce

3 tablespoons of liquid honey

2 pinches of ginger powder

- 1 spoonful coffee of coriander seeds
- salt, pepper


Cut the ribs between each bone to obtain pieces the size of an inch In a salad bowl, dilute the honey with the vinegar. Salt and pepper generously. Add the garlic the ginger the coriander the soy sauce and the oil. Stir well.
Add the meat, then the parsley. Cover and marinate for 4 hours. Drain the ribs.
Brown the ribs in a casserole.
Add the marinade filtered and cook for 20 minutes covered.
Discover, mount the fire for about 10 minutes. serve immediately.

I made these macaroons but the fodder is done at "pif" I have no exact proportions .... I'll do the best ... Ingredients for fodder: 300 g frozen red fruit, 100g icing sugar , 150g white chocolate. In a saucepan put ......

Recipe appeared on the wall "the crazy cracked" Super good, I served with a green salad, but with a slice of ham or roast, cold chicken it would have been super good also Ingredients 4 large potatoes 150 g Roquefort Milk(......

My husband does not like hot goat, I made a half goat cheese and the other grated gruyere ... 1 homemade pie Spinach (s) in branch: 400 g Egg (s): 3 Milk 1/2 skimmed: 10 cl Whole liquid cream: 20 cl Goat cheese (s): 1 piece (s) Butter ......

For the lemon curd Juice of 3 large lemons 50 gr of butter 3 eggs 150 gr of caster sugar 1 c of cornflour 2 sheets of gelatin Soak the gelatin 5 min in cold water 1) Cut the butter into pieces 2) In the bowl of the cook'in add the ......