Rabbit terrine with hazelnuts
I use this terrine for the aperitif, each slice ( thin) cut in half and served on a slice of toast and a slice of pickle.
Ingredient: 1 rabbit with his liver, 509g sausage meat, salt, pepper, 1 glass of white wine, 1/2 bunch chopped parsley, 2pngs, 1/2cac 4 spices, 1puff of whole hazelnuts, a few finely chopped rosemary strands. to put the rabbit, it is a little long and difficult especially when one does not know how to make ... to pass the pieces with the chopper as well as the onions and the sausage meat .in a big bowl put all the ingredients and well mixes .préchauffer the oven to 180, deposit the stuffing obtained in a cake mold, I deposit 3 sheet of my slag to decorate, stuffs for 1h40, make a jelly that you pour over it after the terrine is a little cooled , then put in the fridge until the next day.
Enjoy on a slice of fresh bread ..