Ingredients 3 egg whites, 90g sugar powder, 140g coconut tapped. Preheat the oven to 180 * .mix the whites and sugar. Incorporate the coconut. Mix.a using your fingers to make small balls and slightly pinch the top, then the ...

Coco rocks

Ingredients 3 egg whites, 90g sugar powder, 140g coconut tapped .heat the oven to 180 * .mix the whites and sugar. incorporate the coconut. Mix with your fingers to make small balls and slightly pinch the top, then place them on a perforated plate covered with a silpat or parchment paper. Cook 12 minutes, let cool, if you wish, you can soak the bottom of each rock in dark chocolate, white or milk ... Good tasting !!!

A completely improvised Tartopom. Ingredients a puff pastry, four medium sized apples of 150 cl of cold whole cream, three tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk, vanilla flavor, 100 g of sugar 50 g of butter. Preheat your oven ......

My husband does not like hot goat, I made a half goat cheese and the other grated gruyere ... 1 homemade pie Spinach (s) in branch: 400 g Egg (s): 3 Milk 1/2 skimmed: 10 cl Whole liquid cream: 20 cl Goat cheese (s): 1 piece (s) Butter ......

then, gratin my way, not really ... it's mostly the way my girlfriend "pepette". during a coffee pose at home, she gave me this recipe that I was eager to do because it had me well this recipe .... I used only products ......

Ingredients: 2 or 3 puff pastry 1 jar of garlic and garlic cooking balsam 9 cup of surimi preheat your oven to 200 ° chop the surimi, not too fine either .. in a bowl mix the surimi emitters or chop with the bishinette cuisine, mostly......