recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ...

Best wishes

Ingredients: a roll of puff pastry, a big apple, cinnamon, three teaspoon of orange jam, teaspoon of water, cinnamon. To make the recipe: Spread the puff pastry and cut it so that it ......

Ideal recipe for an aperitif or everyone tears a slice of bread Recipe super good, even those who do not like vegetables liked INGREDIENTS 1 baguette ½ spoonful of oil 1 small box hearts artichokes (not put) drained and chopped, 250 g pushes ......

Ingredients: 2 or 3 puff pastry 1 jar of garlic and garlic cooking balsam 9 cup of surimi preheat your oven to 200 ° chop the surimi, not too fine either .. in a bowl mix the surimi emitters or chop with the bishinette cuisine, mostly......

For verrine for 4 people • 150 g half-cooked foie gras • 4 tbsp. fig jam (black cherry chutney for me) • 20 cl of liquid cream • 2 tbsp. muscat mushrooms • salt, pepper Cut the foie gras into pieces and put them in ......