I prepared my legs with all the ingredients in the casserole, the cast iron casserole must be closed with the lid. I programmed my oven the day before for the next morning so that my oven starts cooking at 5am. Since there are seven ...

Gigot D'Lamb Of 7 Hours

I prepared my leg with all the ingredients in the casserole, the cast iron casserole must be closed with the lid. I programmed my oven the day before for the next morning so that my oven starts cooking at 5am. Since there are seven hours of cooking at noon it will be cooked to perfection

Preparation time: 60 minutes

Cooking time: 420 minutes

Ingredients ( for 10 people):
- 1 leg of lamb of 2.5 kg
- 250 g of rind (not put) - 200 g of carrots
- 300 g of small onions
- 500 g peeled tomatoes, seeded
- 1 bouquet garni (thyme, bay leaf, parsley, clove)

- 30 cl beef broth
- 10 cl olive oil

- 10 cl of cognac
- 50 cl of white wine
- salt and pepper
Salt and pepper the leg of lamb, return it in hot oil.> Line the bottom of a casserole with a rind (fat on the outside). Add the leg of lamb, surround carrots, onions and tomatoes. Add remaining ingredients, season with salt and pepper.
Cook for 7 hours in oven at 120 • C (thermostat 5-6).
Cook and add water if necessary. seasoning and serve with a spoon in the casserole (the particularity of this leg is to be melting)

250g almond powder 250 g caster sugar 1 lemon 2 small eggs 10 cl orange blossom water briouates: 16 brik leaves or filo paste 30 cl sunflower oil 75 g toasted sesame seeds honey syrup: 250 g of caster sugar ......

A completely improvised Tartopom. Ingredients a puff pastry, four medium sized apples of 150 cl of cold whole cream, three tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk, vanilla flavor, 100 g of sugar 50 g of butter. Preheat your oven ......

ingredients 250g of liquid cream 300g of flour 250g of sugar 1 sachets of yeast 4 eggs of fruits some flaked almonds I put: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 handful of blueberries suegelee, 3cac jam raspberries, 5 chocolate squares. Preheat oven......

This recipe is made from the rest of the freezer's vegetables, so the proportions are all about "about." ... Ingredient for 5 carrots Leeks in rounds Small peas Chick peas (I love chickpeas they were dry. Not frozen ...) ......