For 5 generous verrines (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......) 1 box of pears in syrup 1 package of speculos roughly crushes a little liquid caramel 500g of milk 6 yellow 70g of caster sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar...

Pear/speculos improvised verrine

For 5 generous glasses (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......)

1 box of pears in syrup

1pack of speculos roughly crushes

some liquid caramel

500g of milk

6 yolks

70g of caster sugar

1 bag of sugar vanilla

20g maize

You pour all the milk, yolks, sugar, maszena and vanilla sugar in the bowl of the cook'in, program7 minutes to 80 ° c in speed 3. At the END ring, a turbo stroke (5 seconds) Let cool.

Pour the equivalent of a big soup spoonful of cream in the bottom of the verrines, cubes the pears you share in the verrine over the cream (1poire: 1verrine) generously pour speculos crushes, pour a fillet of caramel and enjoy .....

I stoned my cherries because I find it horrible to fall on the kernels when you bite ... Ingredients (8 servings): - 600 g of cherries Frozen but garden and pitted 40 g of semi-salted butter - 4 eggs - 20 cl of milk - 100 g flour - 60 g ......

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

For lemon ganache: 400 g white chocolate pastry 4 tbsp. fresh cream 2 lemons juice The zest of a lemon Boil the cream with lemon juice and half lemon zest, then over low heat let reduce by half ......

Just some photos of the dessert prepared for the baptism of Mathis and 30 years of Amandine. A raspberry on a sponge cake with raspberry jam, vanilla muslin cream, raspberry cream mousseline. Accompanied by a chocolate crunch .......