Recipe appeared on the wall "the crazy cracked" Super good, I served with a green salad, but with a slice of ham or roast, cold chicken it would have been super good also Ingredients 4 large potatoes 150 g Roquefort Milk(...

Roquefort potatoes

Recipe appeared on the wall "the crazy crackers"

Super good, I served with a green salad, but with a slice of ham or roast, cold chicken would have been super good too


4 large potatoes

150 g Roquefort

Milk (I put cream)

Salt pepper

Some crushed nuts

Turn the oven on 180 *

Steam potatoes

Cut in half

place in a dish

Crush the blue cheese and mix it with the milk

Add the walnuts


Salt the peppers with the potatoes

Fill the potatoes with the cream cheese mixture.

The rest of the Roquefort cream, place it between the potatoes and slide inside the deep-rooted potatoes

Bake for about 15 minutes

 Potatoes with blue cheese
 Potatoes with blue cheese
 Roquefort potatoes
Roquefort Potatoes
Apples with roquefort cheese
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