For the lemon curd Juice of 3 large lemons 50 gr of butter 3 eggs 150 gr of caster sugar 1 c of cornflour 2 sheets of gelatin Soak the gelatin 5 min in cold water 1) Cut the butter into pieces 2) In the bowl of the cook'in add the ...

Lemon Meringue Log

For the lemon curd

Juice of 3 large lemons

50 gr of butter

3 eggs

150 gr of caster sugar

1 count of cornflour

2 gelatin sheets

Soak gelatin 5 min in cold water

1) Cut butter into pieces

2) In the bowl of the cook'in add the eggs and the sugar then program 1 min, speed 3

3) Put the whisk in place, add the butter, the lemon juice, the maïzena program 10 min, temperature 90 ° and speed 5.

How to keep the lemon curd cool

For the biscuit rolls:

4 whole eggs

3 yellow

35 g flour

40 gf eats

35 g sugar

Stir the whole eggs with the yolks and the sugar until the mixture is triple the volume and becomes frothy

Sift the flour and the starch on the mousse and mix with the Maryse by lifting the mass well to not leave flour at the bottom ...

> Pouring on the biscuit mold rolls

Pouring on the biscuit mold rolls

Cooking in a preheated oven at 190 and for 10 minutes


At the end of the oven enroe the biscuit in a cloth and let it cool down

Editing ONLY when everything is cold

For the meringue:

4 egg whites

145g sugar

1 pinch salt

To finish

The decor: mount the whites in snow with a pinch of salt, gradually adding the 150 g of sugar. Cover, the biscuit rolled with a spatula, meringue to give it the appearance of a log under the snow. Using a blowtorch, caramelize the meringue.

 Lemon meringue log
 Lemon meringue log
 Lemon meringue log
 Lemon meringue log
 Saint-honoré revisit and in my own way ...

1 puff pastry 1 pastry 250ml liquid whole cream 120g icing sugar 500 pastry cream more ... caramel 250sugar 25g glucose syrup start by making your puff pastry spread it in a rather thick circle and deposit it on a silpat ......

Onion and tomato jam

INGREDIENTS (for about 4 jars like "good mom" 2 boxes crushed tomatoes 4 red sea peppers canned 500 g onion 10 cl balsamic vinegar 650 gr jam sugar Peel, cut onion into cubes. the vegetables......

 Poultry liver terrine of my grandmother

Ingredients 400g of chicken livers, 250g of sweet butter 10cl of white wine, salt, pepper, it does not put but I I add 1pincee of spices (not too much if it spoils the taste) 1 handful of trumpets death (optional) The day before, put the ......

 Tortilla onions/potatoes

This tortilla is perfect to cut in small dice for the aperitif. Ingredients for six people: 3 onions, 1 steamed potato, 7 eggs, salt pepper. Preheat the oven to 200 °, prepare your Flexipan perforated plate with the small mold ......