For 5 generous verrines (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......) 1 box of pears in syrup 1 package of speculos roughly crushes a little liquid caramel 500g of milk 6 yellow 70g of caster sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar...

Pear/speculos improvised verrine

For 5 generous glasses (I use glasses ... so it's very generous ......)

1 box of pears in syrup

1pack of speculos roughly crushes

some liquid caramel

500g of milk

6 yolks

70g of caster sugar

1 bag of sugar vanilla

20g maize

You pour all the milk, yolks, sugar, maszena and vanilla sugar in the bowl of the cook'in, program7 minutes to 80 ° c in speed 3. At the END ring, a turbo stroke (5 seconds) Let cool.

Pour the equivalent of a big soup spoonful of cream in the bottom of the verrines, cubes the pears you share in the verrine over the cream (1poire: 1verrine) generously pour speculos crushes, pour a fillet of caramel and enjoy .....

 Pear/speculos improvised verrine
 Pear/speculos improvised verrine
Zucchini salad

Preparation time:: 30 minutes Cooking time: 2 minutes Ingredients (4 people): - 2 large zucchini - 200 g feta (without oil) - 2 large onions - 4 tomatoes - black olives - basil - salt, pepper. Cut the courgettes into thin slices, ......

 Ferrero cake rocks

Recipe found on Facebook Fluffy cocoa/hazelnut: 4 eggs 150 gr of sugar 125 gr of soft butter 100 gr of flour 50 gr of cocoa 80 gr of hazelnut powder 1 sachet of baking powder Frosting: 200 gr of very fresh Mascarpone 3 good spoons ......

 Flaxseed foie gras

1 foie gras 6/700g 12 cl cognac or other strong alcohol 1 tbsp. spices with foie gras salt, pepper 1Sake the foie gras from the refrigerator, it must be cold. 2Select the 2 liver lobes and defrost it 3place it in a dish, spice and ......

Lemon Salmon Sauce

1 C. mustard 200 g thick cream 75 g butter half lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chives Salt, pepper Preparation of the lemon sauce: Pour all the ingredients into the bowl and set the timer for 4 minutes, the temperature ......