800g ground beef 1 tbsp. ground cumin 1 tbsp. paprika 1 tbsp. ground coriander 1 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp olive oil 2 cloves garlic salt, coriander pepper chopped to serve Peel and chop

Kefta meatballs

800g ground beef meat

1 tbsp. coffee ground cumin

1 tbsp. paprika coffee

1 tbsp. coffee ground cori

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 cloves garlic
salt, pepper

coriander chopped to serve

Peel and finely slice onion .Reunite meat, chopped herbs and spices in a salad bowl with onion. Salt lightly and knead together until the mixture is well blended. Moisten your hands and form balls the size of a big nut. Heat a stove or better a meat grill and when it is hot, remove the meatballs and grill them.

I have served rice to accompany.

We have some fresh dumplings, I have frozen the surplus. They are even better fresh ....

 Kefta meatballs
 Meatballs kefta
 Coconut Rocks

Ingredients 3 egg whites, 90g sugar powder, 140g coconut tapped. Preheat the oven to 180 * .mix the whites and sugar. Incorporate the coconut. Mix.a using your fingers to make small balls and slightly pinch the top, then the ......

 Pear gratin with almond cream

This recipe is made with the rest of the almond cream and pears of the recipe presented yesterday. Ingredients the rest of the almond cream, the rest of the pear, the rest of the juice of the box of pears, some chocolate chips, some lovers parade .......

 Your achievements

It will be with pleasure that I publish your achievements. You can send me your photos, your name or nickname, what you have changed in my original recipe and I will publish very willingly. Congratulations to Paul (8 years old) I start today with ......

Puffer apero Stockin surimi

Ingredients: 2 or 3 puff pastry 1 jar of garlic and garlic cooking balsam 9 cup of surimi preheat your oven to 200 ° chop the surimi, not too fine either .. in a bowl mix the surimi emitters or chop with the bishinette cuisine, mostly......