Ingredients for 4 4 homemade panini breads 2 tomatoes Tomato sauce 4 white ham slice 8 slices hamberger cheese 1 mozzarella ball Cut the pieces in half lengthwise Spread a little tomato sauce

Country Panini

 Panini Panini

Ingredient for 4

4 homemade panini breads

2 tomatoes

Tomato sauce

4 slice ham white


8 hamberger cheese slices

1 mozzarella ball

Cups half lengthwise

Spread a little tomato sauce

Place 2 slices ham ham cheese on each panini

Place the ham

Tear the mozzarella cheese and scatter it over the ham.

p> Close the panini

Put in the meat grill 5 min and enjoy with a green salad.

You can change the contents of your panini, bacon, goat cheese etc ....

 Curry rice and merguez

Ingredient: rice for 2.1 cac curry. 1 onion.4 merguez. Cook the rice in the rice cooker with the curry spoon, during this time, slice the onion and sauté it in the pan. Remove from the pan and cut the merguez in 6 or 8 and Grill......

 Tart with spinach and goat cheese

My husband does not like hot goat, I made a half goat cheese and the other grated gruyere ... 1 homemade pie Spinach (s) in branch: 400 g Egg (s): 3 Milk 1/2 skimmed: 10 cl Whole liquid cream: 20 cl Goat cheese (s): 1 piece (s) Butter ......

Onion and tomato jam

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 Chicken brochettes marinated with lemon and cumin

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