Ideal recipe for an aperitif or everyone tears a slice of bread Recipe super good, even those who do not like vegetables liked INGREDIENTS 1 baguette ½ spoonful of oil 1 small box hearts artichokes (not put) drained and chopped, 250 g pushes ...

Stuffed bread with spinach

Ideal recipe for an aperitif or everyone tears a slice of bread

Super good recipe, even those who do not like vegetables liked


1 baguette

½ spoonful of oil

1small box artichoke hearts (not put) drained and chopped, 250 g spinach sprout (I took frozen spinach that I cooked and drained) 100g of thick cream 1 ball grated Gruyere mozzarella, salt and pepper, 3 tablespoons butter

3 cloves of garlic, chopped, fresh basil leaves or parsley, ripped, Mix grated cheese with cream, mozzarella very finely chopped, spinach, heart d artichoke, and garlic powder in a bowl

Cut the baguette into thirds or quarters, and hollow out the inside using a knife

Stuffing hollow baguette pieces with a dip with artichoke spinach, using a jam spoon (long). Reform the baguette and slice into rounds about 1 cm .... and reform the baguette on a baking sheet covered with paper.

Melting butter and mixing with chopped garlic and parsley

Brush the garlic butter generously on the baguette towers, letting it flow through the slices.


Cover with foil and bake at 225 ° for 20 minutes

Cool for 10 minutes, then try not to eat at all.

Stuffed spinach bread
Stuffed bread spinach
 Bread stuffed with spinach
Stuffed bread with spinach
 Stuffed spinach bread
 Fig jams

Ingredients (5 servings): - 2.5 kg of fresh figs 1 kg of sugar - 1 vanilla pod Preparation of the recipe: Wash the figs, then cut them by removing the tail. Put them in a bowl of jam, and pour the sugar on it. Let ......

 Gateau & quot; Z & quot;

A recipe found from the bottom of my cookbooks ..... to always want to find "new" we forget what we already have ... I admit that it is not my favorite cake far from there, I think it's a very compact cake despite the fodder .......

 Coconut Rocks

Ingredients 3 egg whites, 90g sugar powder, 140g coconut tapped. Preheat the oven to 180 * .mix the whites and sugar. Incorporate the coconut. Mix.a using your fingers to make small balls and slightly pinch the top, then the ......

Lemon Salmon Sauce

1 C. mustard 200 g thick cream 75 g butter half lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chives Salt, pepper Preparation of the lemon sauce: Pour all the ingredients into the bowl and set the timer for 4 minutes, the temperature ......