Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients (4 servings): - 1.2 kg of pork beans - 4 cloves of garlic - 2 tablespoons of vinegar - 3 tablespoons of oil - 6 spoonfuls of soy sauce - 3 spoonfuls ...


Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time : 30 minutes

Ingredients (4 servings):


1,2 kg of pork beans

4 pods garlic -

2 tablespoons vinegar

- 3 tablespoons oil -

6 tablespoons of soy sauce

3 tablespoons of liquid honey

2 pinches of ginger powder

- 1 spoonful coffee of coriander seeds
- salt, pepper


Cut the ribs between each bone to obtain pieces the size of an inch In a salad bowl, dilute the honey with the vinegar. Salt and pepper generously. Add the garlic the ginger the coriander the soy sauce and the oil. Stir well.
Add the meat, then the parsley. Cover and marinate for 4 hours. Drain the ribs.
Brown the ribs in a casserole.
Add the marinade filtered and cook for 20 minutes covered.
Discover, mount the fire for about 10 minutes. serve immediately.

Pork Cross
 Tarte tatin like Christophe michalak

I chose to present my pies tatin with a caramel cage that I tried to do, but hey, it was not great as you can see in the photo ...... Also served with a quenelle of unsweetened vanilla whipped cream. Ingredients ......

 Tortilla onions/potatoes

This tortilla is perfect to cut in small dice for the aperitif. Ingredients for six people: 3 onions, 1 steamed potato, 7 eggs, salt pepper. Preheat the oven to 200 °, prepare your Flexipan perforated plate with the small mold ......

Lemon Salmon Sauce

1 C. mustard 200 g thick cream 75 g butter half lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chives Salt, pepper Preparation of the lemon sauce: Pour all the ingredients into the bowl and set the timer for 4 minutes, the temperature ......

 Spicy shrimp skewers

INGREDIENTS zest and juice of 1 lime 2 tbsp. with brown rum 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tbsp. fresh ginger, grated 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 3 tbsp. liquid honey 2 tbsp. with tamari sauce or soy sauce 1/2 tsp. teaspoon of coriander seeds lightly ......