Recipe found on Facebook Fluffy cocoa/hazelnut: 4 eggs 150 gr of sugar 125 gr of soft butter 100 gr of flour 50 gr of cocoa 80 gr of hazelnut powder 1 sachet of baking powder Frosting: 200 gr of very fresh Mascarpone 3 good spoons ...

Gateau ferrero rocks

Found on Facebook

mellow cocoa/hazelnut:
4 eggs
150 gr of sugar
125 gr of very soft butter
100 gr of flour
50 gr of cocoa
80 gr of hazelnut powder
1 sachet of baking powder
The frosting:
200 gr of very fresh Mascarpone
3 good spoons of Nutella
50 gr of crushed hazelnut
Decor: 100 gr crushed hazelnuts
5 ferrero rochers
Whole hazelnuts
The soft cocoa/hazelnuts:
Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. or the robot:
Beat the eggs until they double in size and become foamy (about 3 minutes). Add the sugar. The mixture will take more volume.
Sift the flour, cocoa and hazelnut powder.
Add the butter, then the sieved mixture while continuing to beat very hard.
Add the yeast. Mix well.
Butter and/or coat a mold.
Pour the dough and cook for 45 minutes at 180 ° C. Unmould once the mellow has cooled down.
Cut the cake in half in sense of length. Book

Beat the very fresh mascarpone with the nutella. Book
The assembly:
Put a good layer of frosting on one side of the cake.
Sprinkle some crushed hazelnuts. Cover with the other part of the cake.
Glaze the cake on and around. Remove excess frosting with a spatula.
Sprinkle crushed hazelnuts around the cake.
Cool for 1 hour
Place a few spoons of Nutella in a piping bag with a fluted socket.> Decorate small rosettes harmoniously on the top of the cake.

Place a Ferrero rock on each rosette

 Ferrero cake rocks
 Ferrero cake rocks
 Gateau Ferrero rocks
 Hervé's caramel puff pastry palms

My picture is not very beautiful because I was wrong pate .... I used a broken dough ........... I did not want to spoil and I went on, my puffs do not are finally not flaky ..... but they are good .. ingredients 1 puff pastry ......

 January vegetables

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 Pizza filling

In the evenings from time to time I love making pizzas, I wanted to change and find some new ideas. For my part I always do anchovies, but other members of my family do not like it. I suggest you some more ......


1/2 skim milk: 33cl Vanilla pod (s): 1bag Sweet butter: 130g Wheat flour: 170g Egg (s): 6 Sugar powder: 40g And icing sugar for decoration. Separate the whites from the egg yolks. Mount the whites in snow, in another salad bowl place ......