Preparation time:: 30 minutes Cooking time: 2 minutes Ingredients (4 people): - 2 large zucchini - 200 g feta (without oil) - 2 large onions - 4 tomatoes - black olives - basil - salt, pepper. Cut the courgettes into thin slices, ...

Zucchini salad

Preparation time:: 30 minutes

Cooking time:: 2 minutes
Ingredients (4 People):
- 2 big zucchini
- 200 g feta (without oil)
- 2 big onions
- 4 tomatoes
- black olives
- basil
- salt, pepper.

Cut the courgettes into thin slices, and blanch them with salt water for about 10min of cooking (until tender).
Meanwhile, cut the feta into small cubes, cut the tomatoes into small quarters, slice the onions and blanch them in salted water 2 min (j added a cube of vegetable broth to perfume) Put the zucchini with the feta, tomatoes, onions, olives in a salad bowl, add the basil.
Mix with a homemade vinaigrette (mustard vinegar oil) to keep cool and enjoy

Zucchini salad

Paella for 10 .... 1 yellow pepper, 1 green pepper 1 can tomato crushed or 5 fresh tomatoes, 1/2 sweet chorizo, 3 chicken white, 5 chicken legs, 1 can/carrots, 1boitrsharicots green cuts, 500g fruits sea, 250g shell mussels or whole ......


Recipe of Christophe Michalack súr "in the skin of a chef" There are things that I did not put because I did not have like, combawa mango, lemon yellow .... Diplomatic cream 250 grs of milk 40 grs of sugar 40 grs of egg yolk 20 grs of cornstarch ......

 Baileys's Foam súr biscuit fondant guydemarle

Ingredients For the chocolate fondant: - 100 g of GOURMANDISES® dark chocolate - 100 g of butter - 2 eggs - 80 g of sugar - 20 g of flour - 3 g of baking powder (1 teaspoon) - 10 g of cocoa powder (1 tablespoon) - 3 g of extract ......

 The p'tiot bistrot of Cormot-le-grand (21340)

Close to Nolay: Here is an idea "she is good" ... On the basis of volunteering, a small group of riverside who revive a bistro campaign. I am going this weekend to support my niece Marie and my nephew Raphael who made the fresco ......