Ingredients (5 servings): - 2.5 kg of fresh figs 1 kg of sugar - 1 vanilla pod Preparation of the recipe: Wash the figs, then cut them by removing the tail. Put them in a bowl of jam, and pour the sugar on it. Let ...

FIG jam

Ingredients (5 Servings):

- 2.5 kg of fresh figs
1 kg of sugar

- 1 vanilla pod

Preparation of the recipe:
Wash the figs, then cut them removing them from the tail.
Put them in a bowl of jam, and pour the sugar on them.
Leave for 10 min, then bring to the boil.
Cut the vanilla bean into small pieces and add it to the figs; cook half an hour, stirring occasionally.

When the jam is cooked, scald your jam jars and pour the mixture into it.
Close the jars immediately and turn them over. a quick blow, so as to chase the air and thus promote the conservation of your jams.

 Fig jams
Almond briouats coated with honey syrup

250g almond powder 250 g caster sugar 1 lemon 2 small eggs 10 cl orange blossom water briouates: 16 brik leaves or filo paste 30 cl sunflower oil 75 g toasted sesame seeds honey syrup: 250 g of caster sugar ......

 Good New Year's Eve

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 Pizza filling

In the evenings from time to time I love making pizzas, I wanted to change and find some new ideas. For my part I always do anchovies, but other members of my family do not like it. I suggest you some more ......

 Olives marinated with thermomix or cook'in

I confess I did not do the thermomix but in a Tupperware with a spoon .... It annoyed me to have to wash the bowl for so little ...... Attute fleimalgie ..... The recipe was taken on the blog whose link is above. Ingredient: 170 g of olives ......