It will be with pleasure that I publish your achievements. You can send me your photos, your name or nickname, what you have changed in my original recipe and I will publish very willingly. Congratulations to Paul (8 years old) I start today with ...

Your achievements

It will be with pleasure that I publish your achievements.


You can send me your photos, your name or nickname, what you have changed in my original recipe and I will publish it very willingly.

Congratulations to Paul (8 years)

I start today by making cupcakes from my little nephew Paul, he is 8 years old and already likes to cook. For Christmas he had a device cited the cupcakes and all the necessary to decorate. Here are these achievements.

 Your achievements
 Your achievements
 Gateau & quot; Z & quot;

A recipe found from the bottom of my cookbooks ..... to always want to find "new" we forget what we already have ... I admit that it is not my favorite cake far from there, I think it's a very compact cake despite the fodder .......

 Puffed almonds and pears

Ingredients for four puff pastry: four squares of puff pastry close by, a box of pears in syrup, for the almond cream: 100 g Sugar powder, 100 g of soft butter, 100 g of almond powder, 50 g of flour, two eggs. Prepare first the ......

 Lemon meringue log

For the lemon curd Juice of 3 large lemons 50 gr of butter 3 eggs 150 gr of caster sugar 1 c of cornflour 2 sheets of gelatin Soak the gelatin 5 min in cold water 1) Cut the butter into pieces 2) In the bowl of the cook'in add the ......

 Raspberry/chocolate crunch

Just some photos of the dessert prepared for the baptism of Mathis and 30 years of Amandine. A raspberry on a sponge cake with raspberry jam, vanilla muslin cream, raspberry cream mousseline. Accompanied by a chocolate crunch .......