Quick tartlets with a base of biscuit butter ... The most difficult being to make the cream muslin ... You will only have to follow the steps of the photos ... It is crucial that the cream is at temperature ambient as well as butter ...

Quick strawberry tartlets

 Quick Strawberry Tartlets
 Quick strawberry tartlets
 Tartlets Quick strawberries

Quick tartlets with a butter biscuit base ... The most difficult being to make the cream muslin ...

You just have to follow the steps of the photos ...

It is capital that the cream is at room temperature as well as the butter Ingredients 250g of milk 1 vanilla bean 60g of sugar 2 yolks of eggs 20g of maïzena 100g of butter. Boil the milk with half of the sugar and the vanilla pod split in 2.
In a bowl beat the yolks and the remaining sugar, until bleaching.
Add the cornflour. Pour the boiling milk over the mixture and heat until thickened.
Pour the cream into a bowl, film to the touch and let cool.
Whisk the tempered butter with a pastry mixer for 1 minute then add the pastry cream 1 tsp. at the same time.
And there, normally, we obtain a beautiful cream creamy, unctuous ....

 Tarte tatin like Christophe michalak

I chose to present my pies tatin with a caramel cage that I tried to do, but hey, it was not great as you can see in the photo ...... Also served with a quenelle of unsweetened vanilla whipped cream. Ingredients ......

 Chicken brochettes marinated with lemon and cumin

4 chicken cutlets 1 red pepper 1 green pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon thyme 2 lemon juice 4 clove garlic chopped 1 tsp cumin Salt, pepper .Draw the cutlets in cubes. Mix the olive oil, the thyme, ......

 Baileys's Foam súr biscuit fondant guydemarle

Ingredients For the chocolate fondant: - 100 g of GOURMANDISES® dark chocolate - 100 g of butter - 2 eggs - 80 g of sugar - 20 g of flour - 3 g of baking powder (1 teaspoon) - 10 g of cocoa powder (1 tablespoon) - 3 g of extract ......

 Fig jams

Ingredients (5 servings): - 2.5 kg of fresh figs 1 kg of sugar - 1 vanilla pod Preparation of the recipe: Wash the figs, then cut them by removing the tail. Put them in a bowl of jam, and pour the sugar on it. Let ......