Thanks to Adeline G. For this great recipe. Ingredients (6 parts): 2cas olive oil 2 large onions - 2 cloves garlic crushed 1 green pepper - 500 g ground beef (I put 700g) - 1 teaspoon chilli powder - 2 teaspoons ...

Chile con carne

Thanks to Adeline G. For this super good recipe.

Ingredients (6 parts):

2cas olive oil

2 large onions

- 2 cloves crushed garlic

1 green pepper

- 500 g ground beef (I put 700g)

- 1 teaspoon chilli powder

- 2 teaspoons cumin powder

1cac oregano

- 2 small cans of tomato paste

- 1 large tin of drained red beans (I put 509g of dried beans)

- 30 cl of beef broth

- salt, pepper, parsley to decorate

In a cast iron casserole, melt the butter, and then gently brown the onion and garlic and chopped pepper. Stir in the ground beef and let it simmer for 10 minutes.

Mix the chili, cumin, tomato paste, and add the beef. Add the beans, the broth; salt and pepper.

Cover, and cook for 25 minutes in the oven (thermostat 6/180 ° C).

Serve with rice

 Chile con carne
 Chile con carne
 Chile con carne
 Time change ....

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 Pizza filling

In the evenings from time to time I love making pizzas, I wanted to change and find some new ideas. For my part I always do anchovies, but other members of my family do not like it. I suggest you some more ......

 Olives marinated with thermomix or cook'in

I confess I did not do the thermomix but in a Tupperware with a spoon .... It annoyed me to have to wash the bowl for so little ...... Attute fleimalgie ..... The recipe was taken on the blog whose link is above. Ingredient: 170 g of olives ......

Outrageous cookies ....

Recipe found on "The fairies in the kitchen" 200 gr of chocolate pastry good quality 45gr of butter 2 eggs 150g of brown sugar a sachet of vanilla sugar 150g of chocolate flour nugget or small piece for the top (I mix nuggets and. .....