Ingredients for 4 4 homemade panini breads 2 tomatoes Tomato sauce 4 white ham slice 8 slices hamberger cheese 1 mozzarella ball Cut the pieces in half lengthwise Spread a little tomato sauce...
ingredient 5 egg yolks 500g milk 70g sugar powder 200 g dark chocolate whipped cream (lazy today) put the egg yolks, milk and powdered sugar in the bowl of the cook'in set time over 5 min temperature 80 ° speed 3 leave ......
Ingredients (5 servings): - 2.5 kg of fresh figs 1 kg of sugar - 1 vanilla pod Preparation of the recipe: Wash the figs, then cut them by removing the tail. Put them in a bowl of jam, and pour the sugar on it. Let ......
I chose to present my pies tatin with a caramel cage that I tried to do, but hey, it was not great as you can see in the photo ...... Also served with a quenelle of unsweetened vanilla whipped cream. Ingredients ......