Just ideas of pizza fillings due I find on the internet. It is true that sometimes we look for ideas without really being motivated by what we find .... Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Ingredients (1 ...

Pizza toppings

Just some pizza topping ideas I've found on the Internet. It is true that sometimes we look for ideas without really being motivated by what we find ....Preview

Almond briouats coated with honey syrup

250g almond powder 250 g caster sugar 1 lemon 2 small eggs 10 cl orange blossom water briouates: 16 brik leaves or filo paste 30 cl sunflower oil 75 g toasted sesame seeds honey syrup: 250 g of caster sugar ......

Lemon Salmon Sauce

1 C. mustard 200 g thick cream 75 g butter half lemon juice 1 tbsp. Chives Salt, pepper Preparation of the lemon sauce: Pour all the ingredients into the bowl and set the timer for 4 minutes, the temperature ......

 Liège chocolate

ingredient 5 egg yolks 500g milk 70g sugar powder 200 g dark chocolate whipped cream (lazy today) put the egg yolks, milk and powdered sugar in the bowl of the cook'in set time over 5 min temperature 80 ° speed 3 leave ......

Outrageous cookies ....

Recipe found on "The fairies in the kitchen" 200 gr of chocolate pastry good quality 45gr of butter 2 eggs 150g of brown sugar a sachet of vanilla sugar 150g of chocolate flour nugget or small piece for the top (I mix nuggets and. .....